Unity, trust ingredients in Nadroga U20 win

Unity, trust ingredients in Nadroga U20 win

Fumanu said the last time they had won the Skipper Cup U20 was 2019.

The Skipper Cup Under-20 champions for 2024, Nadroga. The team beat Naitasiri 43-36 in the final on June 22, 2024. Photo: Josua Buredua

Team-work and trust between players was the Nadroga Under-20 rugby team’s trump card in their 43-36 win against Naitasiri in the Skipper Cup U20 final last Saturday.

This was the gist of Nadroga U20 manager Manueli Fumanu’s interview with SUNsports.

“We thank God for the victory in the final and we came prepared for Naitasiri especially playing on their homeground,” he said.

“We had a few of our players from last year that had some good development.”

Fumanu said the team had prioritise discipline in their campaign to the final.

“We told the players to spread the ball out wide quickly to the backline so we can spread out the game at halftime,” he said.

“We also told them to be patience in the green zone so we can turn our chances into points.”

Fumanu has dedicated their win to their supporters in Nadroga and Navosa.


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“I also like to dedicate this win to the hardworking parents and our family members who has been supportive throughout our campaign.

“We also have a couple of players in the sevens development squad.”

Fumanu had urged Nadroga rugby fans to continue their support for the young players.

“These players need our support in order for them to perform on the field. Majority of the players that played in the final were 19-year-olds so most probably they’ll play again in the Under-20 grade next year.”

Fumanu said the last time they had won the Skipper Cup U20 was 2019.

“Last year we couldn’t make it and this year we came back stronger with a plan on development, which resulted in the victory,” he said.

“We will take a break and enjoy in the off-season for now; then we’ll start with our pre-season preparations later in the year.”


Feedback: ioane.asioli@fijisun.com.fj