Te Pūkenga announces chief executive’s departure

Te Pūkenga announces chief executive’s departure


Peter Winder is leaving the tertiary institute after 18 months in charge.

Te Pūkenga has announced the departure of Chief Executive Peter Winder after 18 months in charge of the tertiary institute.

Winder’s departure comes months after the organisation announced a restructure that would see 200 full-time jobs disestablished.

In a statement, Deputy Chair Sue McCormack said Winder’s current role was set to change, hence his redundancy. “The function and duties of the role that Peter was employed to perform will change significantly given the new direction of the organisation announced by the new government.”

McCormack went on to thank Winder for his work in the role. “The Council would like to thank Peter for his hard work and dedication, and his significant contribution to the vision of Te Pūkenga over the last 18 months, and before that, for his work on the Establishment Board and Te Pūkenga Council.

Tertiary Education Minister Penny Simmonds.

Robyn Edie/Stuff

Tertiary Education Minister Penny Simmonds.

“We will be sorry to see Peter go, and he leaves with the Council’s thanks, support and very best wishes for the future.”

Winder will leave the organisation in January 2024.

Winder leaves as the new coalition government signals its intention to disestablish Te Pūkenga, which the previous government established to combine 16 polytechnics and 9 training providers.