Summer Series: speaking frankly about mental health, addiction and grief – conversations to remind you that you’re not alone

Summer Series: speaking frankly about mental health, addiction and grief – conversations to remind you that you’re not alone

While Something To Talk About takes a break, we are revisiting some of the most emotional and revealing moments from the almost 50 guests who have joined us in conversation on this podcast over the past year. 

This third episode of the Something To Talk About summer series finds us about to begin a new year – a time many of us pause to both look ahead to the future and reflect on the year that was, including grieving those we have lost and re-evaluating the dark times we have navigated. Amid the fireworks and celebrations, this can be an isolating time, so today we’re revisiting some of the most raw and intimate conversations that have taken place on Something To Talk About.

We begin with Chloe Lattanzi, who spoke to Something To Talk About ahead of the one-year anniversary of the death of her mother, Olivia Newton-John. It is a moving conversation about grief, as is our interview with Waleed Aly, who opens up about spending time with his mother-in-law in her final hours, and how it brought closure – particularly given he was unable to be with his own father when he passed a decade ago.

We also hear from those who have grappled with – and chosen to be open about – struggles related to their mental health. Abbie Chatfield explains how her ADHD diagnosis brought new clarity and helped her better understand her behaviour, while Brooke Blurton reveals how a childhood that left her feeling like an outcast to the wider Australian community informs her passion to fight for representation for First Nations people. 

Current Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt fires up about why accepting and celebrating our bodies is a decision we’ll never regret, while Lisa Greenberg gives a searingly honest account of living with – and finally confronting – alcohol addiction.

If you or someone you know needs help, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Hear the full conversation with each of the six guests featured in this episode here:

Listen to Chloe Lattanzi here.

Listen to Waleed Aly here.

Listen to Abbie Chatfield here.

Listen to Brooke Blurton here.

Listen to Taryn Brumfitt here.

Listen to Lisa Greenberg here.

Something To Talk About will return with brand new episodes in late January 2024

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