Siapu outlines some of the initiatives his gov’t is pursuing for MUP – Theislandsun

Siapu outlines some of the initiatives his gov’t is pursuing for MUP – Theislandsun


The Siapu led People’s Alliance for Change, Reform and Advancement (PACRA) provincial government off Makira Ulawa province outlines some of the initiatives they will undertake for the progress of the province.

Speaking during the province’s 2nd Appointed Day celebration at Kirakira last week, he said his government is working on number of areas to achieve the development aspirations of the people and the province of Makira Ulawa province.

He said one area his government is working on is to re-establish the province’s 3rd tier governance system.

Siapu explained that this is the people’s government that will directly involve people’s participation in the province’s governance, let alone development aspirations.

He said MUPG only owned 2.2% of the provinces land mass, leaving 97.8% in customary ownership, and in a layman’s perspective, development initiatives and projects belongs to and own by the Makira Ulawa people.

Therefore, he said that central to any rural based development are the people and PACRA government to uphold the philosophy.

Siapu said the PACRA government also believe in trying other alternative ways to boost advancement and progress of the province.

He said with that the provincial executive will soon deliberate on sister -sister province relationship as an alternative way to encourage economic and social exchanges and involvement.

Siapu said his government believed in private sector to drive the provinces production sector and is committed to assist.

He said these areas include; fisheries, agriculture, livestock and tourism as the backbone of the province’s economy, sectoral policies and ordinances to support which will address later.

Siapu said that going forward for his government, the PACRA policy document is completed and ready for launching.

He said his executive is now working on aligning it policy with the national GNUT policy direction before they could do so.

Siapu on that appealed to MP Manele, who presented as guest of honour to the celebration for a courtesy call by his government to the national government.

He said this will include; ministers and their respective ministries, diplomatic offices and other appropriate partners and stakeholders hopefully straight after the celebration.

Siapu said high on the agenda will be a mutually agreed communique highlighting the immediate priority program and projects for Makira Ulawa province.