Serbia’s first envoy to SI presents credentials 

Serbia’s first envoy to SI presents credentials 

AFTER establishing diplomatic relations with Solomon Islands more than two years ago, the Republic of Serbia’s first Ambassador has presented his letter of credence to the Governor General Reverend David Tiva Kapu on Friday.

His Excellency (H.E) Rade Stefanovic was in the country to present the credentials at the Government House.

In receiving his letter of credence, Governor General, H.E Kapu expressed pleasure in accepting H.E Rade Stefanovic’s letter of credence as the first envoy of Serbia to the country.

H.E Kapu said, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries less than three years ago was based on the desire to promote the strengthening of ties, friendship and cooperation based on equality, mutual respect and understanding.

“Therefore, I am delighted to see that Serbia remains committed and steadfast in achieving these goals.”     

H.E Stefanovic said, the Government of Serbia understands how important joint and globally wide climate action is for the countries of the Blue Pacific Continent, including the Solomon Islands. 

He said, climate change represent a real threat to the very existence of the countries in the region and Serbia would like to offer its help and support in tackling those challenges.

“Serbia is fully ready and open to continue fruitful cooperation with the Solomon Islands on the international, multilateral, arena, and primarily within the framework of the United Nations,” he said.

In response, Governor General, H.E Kapu expressed appreciation of Serbia’s commitment and engagement to assist Solomon Islands in tackling global challenges such as climate change.

He further welcomed Serbia’s commitment to work closely with SI in the international, multilateral arena within the framework of the United Nations.

Solomon Islands established diplomatic relations with Serbia on December 20th 2021 with the Serbian Embassy in Canberra, Australia accredited to Solomon Islands.