Rauluni Makes Eight Changes in Fijiana XV Line-up

Rauluni Makes Eight Changes in Fijiana XV Line-up

“Every game is critical, Japan’s very tight mix squad and you know we got to be on song to try and beat them. Our performance last week would be good enough to beat a team like Japan.”

Members of the Vodafone Fijiana XV team during the captain’s run on June 19, 2024. Photo: Waisea Nasokia

Coach Mosese Rauluni has made eight changes in the Vodafone Fijiana XV side that is taking on Japan in their second test at Lautoka’s Churchill Park this evening.

Tiana Robanakavu is in the run on list as prop replacing work horse Vika Matarugu while Doreen Narokete moves from left in the first Test to the right in the locks position this time.

Narokete pairs with Mereoni Nakesa.

Utility Josivini Tuikilakila is set to make her debut from the bench in a must-win encounter.

Ema Adivitaloga is also making a return to the side for the first time this year since last year’s test against Japan.

The Mosese Rauluni-coached side had their captain’s run at the Drua ground in Legalega, Nadi yesterday.

“Ema has been playing well in provincial, her work rate is outstanding and Jossy is young and upcoming we want to widen our depth and get these girls experience by playing this sort of game,” Rauluni said.

“Playing at this level will help them when they go back to provincial or make the national squad. Been in the system and play at a high level. We haven’t picked the squad for the Australia tour so who knows after this.”

Rauluni said although it has been a short week, the girls have been training well,

“I’m sure they will put on better performance this week.

“Every game is critical, Japan’s very tight mix squad and you know we got to be on song to try and beat them. Our performance last week would be good enough to beat a team like Japan.”

Captain Merewai Cumu said the players are 100 per cent focused on the game.

“We are ready for tomorrow’s (today) game it was tough last week. This week’s training we managed to cover up the mistakes we made. Mostly our discipline on the field and catch and the passes.

She urges the fans to make good use of the free tickets today.

“To all the fans here in Lautoka we hope you will come and watch the game here for free and support the team.”

The test kicks off at 6 pm. Entry is free.

Run one side: Loraini Senivutu, Keleni Marawa, Tiana Robanakadavu, Mereoni Nakesa, Doreen Narokoete, Nunia Daunimoala, Sulita Weisega, Fulori Nabura, Evivi Senikarivi, Jeniffer Ravutia, Merewairita Neivosa, Merewai Cumu (C), Atelaite Buna, Repeka Tove, Luisa Tisolo

Impacts: Unaisi Lalabalavu, Ana Korovata, Vika Matarugu, Asinate Serevi, Ema Adivitaloga, Setaita Railumu, Salanieta Kinita, Josivini Tuikilakila.


Feedback: waisean@fijisun.com.fj