Raglan kaimoana off the menu due to high paralytic shellfish toxins

Raglan kaimoana off the menu due to high paralytic shellfish toxins

Zane Mirfin/Supplied

Scallops should not be collected from Raglan, along with other bivalve shellfish like mussels, oysters, pipi and kina. (File photo)

A warning has been issued urging people not to collect or eat shellfish from the Raglan coastline due to high levels of paralytic shellfish toxins being detected.

The naturally occurring toxins can be poisonous to humans, leading to stomach upsets, paralysis, respiratory failure and, in severe cases, death.

The public health warning from New Zealand Food Safety covers the coastline from Port Waikato, southward to Tauratahi Point at the entrance of Kāwhia Harbour.

The warning includes the entire Raglan and Aotea Harbours, but not Kāwhia Harbour.

Off the menu are all mussels, oysters, tuatua, pipi, toheroa, cockles, scallops, catseyes, kina (sea urchin) and all other bivalve shellfish.

Cooking the shellfish will not remove the toxin.

The map supplied by the Ministry for Primary Industries shows the area off limits due to high levels of paralytic shellfish toxins being detected.


The map supplied by the Ministry for Primary Industries shows the area off limits due to high levels of paralytic shellfish toxins being detected.

Pāua, crab and crayfish may still be eaten if the gut has been completely removed prior to cooking, as toxins accumulate in the gut.

If the gut is not removed, its contents could contaminate the meat during the cooking process.

Symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning typically appear between 10 minutes and three hours after eating the affected shellfish.

Symptoms can include:

  • numbness and a tingling (prickly feeling) around the mouth, face and extremities
  • difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • paralysis and respiratory failure
  • in severe cases, death.
Raglan Harbour, also known as Whāingaroa, is off-limits to shellfish collection. (File photo)

Dominico Zapata/Stuff

Raglan Harbour, also known as Whāingaroa, is off-limits to shellfish collection. (File photo)

Anyone who becomes sick after eating shellfish should seek medical attention immediately. They should also contact your nearest public health unit and keep any leftover shellfish in case it can be tested.

The Ministry for Primary Industries will continue monitoring toxin levels.

Commercially harvested shellfish – sold in shops and supermarkets, or exported – are subject to strict water and flesh monitoring programmes by MPI to ensure they are safe to eat.

The Raglan coastline has been subject to a number of shellfish closures due to toxins in recent years.

In August 2022, Kāwhia and Aotea Harbours were closed due to the same paralytic shellfish poisoning.

In July 2021, a rāhui was placed on Raglan shellfish due to a booming population of Canadian geese.


Raglan harbour farmers and hapū talk about the effects of Canada geese (video first published in July 2021).