Rabuka Will Accept GCC Decision on Lifetime Membership

Rabuka Will Accept GCC Decision on Lifetime Membership

“I am not sure if they have discussed my case and if it is approved or not. I will accept whatever they say. In the meantime, I will not be able to participate as a serving minister in Cabinet.”

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says, he is ready to accept the outcome in regards to his status of life membership with the Great Council of Chiefs(GCC).

It is understood that communication has been made to Mr Rabuka to revoke his life membership in the council.

When asked about this in Lautoka, Mr Rabuka said, “I have not received (any letter)”.

“I am not sure if they have discussed my case and if it is approved or not. I will accept whatever they say. In the meantime, I will not be able to participate as a serving minister in Cabinet.”

Mr Rabuka added that the plan was for the GCC to be independent of the cabinet and vice versa.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka at the opening of Parliament in Suva on March 4, 2024. Photo: Leon Lord

“Government will not interfere with its decisions,” he said.

Mr Rabuka said he does not know if the Minister for iTaukei Affairs, or the President would be able to be part of the GCC deliberation.

“I brought them back because it was needed to be done. whether I become a member of it, chiefs have their dynamics,” he said.

Should his membership be revoked Mr Rabuka said it was not an act of betrayal.


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The GCC aims to be apolitical as highlighted in the report made by the GCC Review Committee chairman Jone Baledrokadroka and his team.

As per the stance, the paramount chief of Rewa Ro Teimumu Kepa had to resign from SODELPA.

The life membership policy ended with the FijiFirst government when it abolished the GCC when it came to power.


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