Police arrest man and seize firearm after Puketapu incident

Police arrest man and seize firearm after Puketapu incident

A man has been charged, a firearm seized and a car has been impounded following an incident in the Hastings community of Puketapu.

A police spokesperson said around 11.35pm they received a report that a member of the public had a gun fired in their direction after approaching a car that had been driving dangerously.

Detective Inspector Martin James said before a report was made to police, the vehicle drove off, and the member of the public followed to get more information.

“However, the offender’s vehicle crashed into a ditch off Dartmoor Rd soon after an occupant of the vehicle had reportedly discharged a firearm towards the person,” he said.

“Police were then called by this informant and arrived to find the offenders’ vehicle had been abandoned.

“While searching the vehicle, police located and seized a firearm and the vehicle was also seized and was to be examined today.”

Police, including members of the AOS and CIB, executed a search warrant today at a Napier residential address where they arrested an 18-year-old man.

The offender is due to appear in Napier District Court this week on charges of careless driving, unlawful possession of a firearm and making a false statement.

James said there is no place for this activity in our community, investigators remain dedicated to identifying and locating others involved, and further arrests are likely.