New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

You should start with an enthusiastic commitment, but that “can do” attitude is quickly followed by waning interest.

The end of the year signals the start of an age-old tradition; setting a New Year’s resolution that will likely prove unattainable.

Many will be welcoming the new year with familiar resolutions such as living healthier, saving more and in general improving one’s life.

As we all vow to do a whole host of things most of us will not follow through.

Some will fail to attain their New Year resolution while others will give up before the end of January.

You should start with an enthusiastic commitment, but that “can do” attitude is quickly followed by waning interest.

Eventually you give up your goal and end up on a big fat guilt trip.

Try looking at resolutions in a new light. Instead of thinking about what’s wrong with you, imagine what it would like to be exactly the way you want and have exactly what you want.

But be careful because some New Year resolutions tend to fizzle out faster than an old bottle of champagne.