Media leaders end management training

Media leaders end management training

ANOTHER cohort of local media leaders have completed the highly prestigious University of New South Wales’ Australian Graduate School of Management General Manager program.

As guests of the Australian Government, Station Manager of ZFM, Ms Ruthina Koroa co-owner of Solomon Star newspaper and PAOA FM, Mrs Elizabeth Siota and co-owner of In-depth Solomons, Ms Georgina Maka’a spent nine days in Australia from August 2 to 10. 

The program helps executives build the leadership capabilities, functional knowledge, and strategic insight to drive organisational performance. 

This executive workshop for General Managers and owners focused on leadership and business skills.

Other participants in the 20-person cohort included business executives from Australian companies including Coles, Rio Tinto, Santos, and Standards Australia. 

Australian High Commissioner Rod Hilton said “Australia is the nambawan media partner in Solomon Islands. Our support for the Solomon Islands media sector is long standing; working with all media organisations in Solomon Islands, from print, to radio, to online.

“Ms Koroa, Mrs Siota and Ms Maka’a are leaders in the media sector and strong executives will lead a strong, independent media sector; which is a central pillar of democracy.”

This is the second cohort of media leaders from Solomon Islands to complete this program. 

Owner and Managing Director of The Island Sun newspaper, Lloyd Loji, co-owner and CEO of Solomon Starnewspaper and PAOA FM, Joel Lamani and Station Manager of Barava FM, Christopher Penny Adifaka completed the same course in March, demonstrating Australia’s commitment to empowering Solomon Islands media sector. 

Ms Koroa, Mrs Siota and Ms Maka’a served as ambassadors for Solomon Islands while on the course, deepening the partnership between Solomon Islands and Australia by giving other participants a better understanding of Solomon Islands’ history, culture, and ambitions for the future. 

Such people-to-people links are key to the closeness of the Solomon Islands – Australia Partnership. 

Before the commencement of the Australian Graduate School of Management General Manager program, these three leaders participated in a cultural program showcasing Australian arts and sport in Sydney.  

Ms Georgina Maka’a said, her experience of the program was very positive. 

“I learned a great deal about how to run a business,” Ms Maka’a said.

“As someone with little prior knowledge in this area, the program came at the perfect time for me…I want to express my gratitude to the Australian Government for recognising the important role media plays by sending media leaders to enhance their knowledge for improved outcomes. Thank you for this invaluable opportunity.”

Co-owner of In-depth Solomons, Ms Georgina Maka’a receiving her graduation certificate from the Australian Graduate School of Management’s Mr Matthew Byrne

Mrs Siota also spoke of the value of the program.

“With the changes that are now constantly happening around our many businesses, the General Managerprogram is great because it… taught us… ways to adapt to these changes. I thank the Australian Government for giving us this opportunity.”

Co-owner of Solomon Star newspaper and PAOA FM, Mrs Elizabeth Siota receiving her graduation certificate from the Australian Graduate School of Management’s Mr Matthew Byrne

Ms Ruthina Koroa said the experience has been nothing short of transformative. 

“Being able to sit at a table with brilliant minds from such diverse fields- [including] from the [Australian] Department of Defence, a global hotel chain executive, a director from a giant tech company, [and] a construction business owner- has been both humbling and inspiring,” Ms Koroa said.

“It is fascinating to see how, despite our different industries, we share similar challenges on a human level… These lessons will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on my professional journey.”

Station Manager of ZFM, Ms Ruthina Koroa receiving her graduation certificate from the Australian Graduate School of Management’s Mr Matthew Byrne.