May 6 set for election of new gov’t of Mala

May 6 set for election of new gov’t of Mala


OFFICE of the clerk of Malaita through the Provincial Secretary of Malaita has set May 6 for the election of the provincial government.

The date was confirmed by provincial clerk, Wilson Anii as proposed by the office of PS for Malaita province, Eric George this week.

“Proposed date for the election of the new provincial government has been set and we are preparing required paper-works for the event,” he said.

The clerk said at the moment they are waiting for the final list of elected candidates for Malaita province which will be submitted to them by the Electoral Commission (SIEC).

“As long as the list is with us, we expect all MPAs to be Auki to take their oath. After then, we could begin the first process of the election, which is nomination and election of the provincial speaker.

“After the speaker is elected, he/she will then put-up notice for an assembly meeting which will facilitate the election of premier and new government for Malaita province,” he said.

Clerk said the election process will begin at May 6 and last for a week or so, since the newly elected assembly will sit for their first budget session.

He said they expect to debate the 2024/2025 original budget and pass it before May 31 to submit to the Ministry of Provincial Government (MPGIS) for approval.

Anii said the budget will be for the operation of Malaita province in this new financial year, (April 2024 – March 2025).