From the Editor-in-Chief’s desk: Your April 13 briefing – The Fiji Times

From the Editor-in-Chief’s desk: Your April 13 briefing – The Fiji Times


Fijians will pay a heavy price for “not wanting to rock the boat”. Unity Fiji Party leader Savenaca Narube said this as he called on citizens to speak up about issues that are worrying or disturbing.

He said people need to understand that the cost of silence will be borne by ordinary citizens and not the government they are not holding to account.

He made the statements while appearing on The Fiji Times onlne portal The Lens @177. That’s the big news on the front page of The Fiji Times for Saturday. April 13.

In the second story on Page 1, a 19-year-old sex worker who died two weeks ago was violently attacked by a group of three men, claims a woman who witnessed the beating.

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