Forum eyes ‘New Challenges, New Solutions’ – The Fiji Times

Forum eyes ‘New Challenges, New Solutions’ – The Fiji Times

THE Fiji-Australia Business Council and the Australia-Fiji Business Council will hold their 2024 Joint Business Forum at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva from August 29 to 31 with the theme: “New Challenges, New Solutions.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade Manoa Kamikamica will speak at the forum together with other high-profile speakers and industry experts.

“Our premier business forum is where chief Fijian and Australian-based policy makers and senior business people come together to discuss challenges, solutions, trends and opportunities in Fijian and Australian bilateral trade and economic environments,” the council stated.

“Our forum has set its sights on outcomes that are more than just having its delegates network and improve their understanding of the opportunities and challenges of business between the countries.

“When you view the program (to be released soon), you will see that beyond regional perspectives we will explore innovation and global partnerships.”

The organisers have promised an event that will “share a futuristic view of what is shaping our economic futures in the region – from technology, material upcycling, infrastructure and tourism.”

“With the $A4 billion Australia Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP) that commenced in 2019, and Phase I of the Fiji Tourism Development Program in Vanua Levu project financed by the World Bank for $US61.5 million ($F13.87m), opportunities abound in Fiji for Australian businesses.

“We will have speakers from these ongoing and upcoming programs so delegates have access to firsthand key information,” the council stated.

Registration is open and early registration until June 30 attracts an early bird discount.