“We have to boil all drinking water, but we are asking authorities for consistent supply of water,” she said.

Lia Raloga stands in front of her water tank in Tamavua.

Residents of Sakoca in Tamavua have raised concerns about water disruptions which have caused serious challenges within the community.

Lia Raloga, who has been living at the area for over a decade, expressed her concerns as she was forced to find alternative water sources.

Ms Raloga, who often gets access to clean water between 4am to 9am, has to do her laundry during these hours.

Alternatives include the use of water tanks which can be unclean and unsafe for drinking.

“We have to boil all drinking water, but we are asking authorities for consistent supply of water,” she said.


“And we need proper hygiene due to lack of access we are facing this issue.”

Another resident, Soqoveti Seviwai, said they had not had consistent water supply since early January.

The water woes have made it a struggle for Ms Seviwai to look after her young children.


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She called on the Water Authority Fiji (WAF) to provide service.

“We pay for the bills so at least they have to do something about the issue like providing water trucks during the day,” she said.

Queries sent to the WAF for the past two weeks still remain unanswered.

