This absolute power was wielded in Fiji from 2006 to 2022. Corruption, nepotism and fear ruled Fiji during those 16 years.

FijiFirst Government MP Faiyaz Siddiq Koya (left), with NFP leader and Opposition member Biman Prasad, outside Parliament on March 27, 2020.
Photo: Ronald Kumar

”Absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton, 1857.

This absolute power was wielded in Fiji from 2006 to 2022. Corruption, nepotism and fear ruled Fiji during those 16 years.

Basic human and working rights were taken away.


Laws were enacted at the whim of those in power to further their own agenda.

The private sector was affected, however, it was not as much as in the government itself.

Government workers were in fear of their own fellow staff.

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A wrong word or just an inference that one had uttered an opinion against the rulers, got you your marching orders.

This malevolent atmosphere was paramount in all government departments and this power was targeted at the Fiji Police Force.

As an institution that had to uphold the law with officers trained to do just that, the powers that be during that 16-year rule, inundated
the police force with military people to try to bend the force to its own needs.


Many senior police officers left the force forcefully or resigned as machinations were put in place to limit their authority and investigations.
And this happened day in and out for 16 years.

Are we to say in this new beginning that what happened during the FijiFirst government’s rule never happened?

Please Fiji, never again. Edmund Burke put it succinctly when quoting the Bible verse from Psalm 94:1-3- “The only thing necessary
for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.”




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