The constant and never-ending issues related to our critical infrastructure and its impact on the services to the people has reached
a crisis point.

LTA enforcement officers using portable weighbridges ensure that the Bau Tikina Road is protected from overloaded vehicles.. Photo: Land Transport Authority

The constant and never-ending issues related to our critical infrastructure and its impact on the services to the people has reached
a crisis point.

The deafening silence from the relevant minister and Coalition Government is of great concern.

It seems the minister is very visible when it comes to opening bridges and roads but is unable to respond effectively to many of the
critical issues facing almost every area of his large portfolio.


Even news of certain permanent secretaries involved in suspicious dealing, there was no serious response nor any results of the findings and how the individuals were dealt with.

It is not surprising therefore when we read the rampant corrupt practices in the Land Transport Authority (LTA) ranging from obtaining
licenses to passing vehicles.

It is common knowledge among the people that a small ‘monetary gift’, is mandatory if one was to get one’s vehicle passed or a license
to drive granted.


Is it surprising to see the quality of vehicles, including taxis, buses and trucks, and the standard of driving on our roads?

Why is it so hard for the minister and Government to take a strong and decisive action against such blatant corruption?

The water saga has reached alarming point with the result that the lack of clean water in impacting on people’s health, livelihoods and


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But we continue to read about the commissioning of certain projects with the headlines such as ‘Water woes will now become

It is ironic that our country, blessed with so much rain and water, still has not been able to design policies that will enable people to
save and store water during times of plenty and use it during times of drought, a phenomenon which will become more frequent
because of climate change.

The conditions of our roads, especially in the rural areas, are disgraceful.



And there seems to be no initiative to develop this using the millions of developments and government assistance given to the Fiji Roads
Authority (FRA).

The ministry has not initi-Queen Elizabeth Drive, but how many cyclists will use this to go to work, especially when there are no lanes in connecting roads such as Fletcher Rd, Laucala Bay Rd, Ratu Sukuna Rd, etc.

It is high time Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, Cabinet ministers and the Opposition demand more accountability from ministers
on their plans, policies and vision for the areas under their responsibility.


It is insufficient to be travelling business class to attend international meetings and preaching the usual rhetoric.

One other measure of their performance ought to be how much funding and technical support they are able to bring to the country and how these are translated into tangible on-the ground outcomes.

