Biman: ‘Sense of confidence’ | ‘$5.7billion investment projects in the works’ – The Fiji Times

Biman: ‘Sense of confidence’ | ‘$5.7billion investment projects in the works’ – The Fiji Times

Investment Fiji is currently facilitating 137 projects worth $5.7billion to be carried out in Fiji.

Fifty-two of these projects are foreign direct investments valued at $3.5bn while 85 projects, valued at $2.2bn, are domestic direct investment.

This was disclosed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Professor Biman Prasad while delivering his opening remarks at the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation (FCEF) pre-budget ‘breakfast talanoa’ at the Holiday Inn in Suva yesterday.

Mr Prasad said the numbers indicated “a sense of confidence” from businesses and investors.

“I’m told that 49 projects valued at $716million has commenced, some completed, and these were facilitated by Investment Fiji between August 2023 and April 2024,” Mr Prasad said.

“Thirty-nine projects valued at $1.3bn is under construction, 22 projects valued around $1.5bn is at predevelopment stage, or is in the approval process and I’m told 27 projects valued at $2.3bn is at conceptual stages.

“So, 52 projects valued at $3.5bn is classified as foreign direct investment, while 85 projects valued at $2.2bn are domestic direct investment.”

He said if an enabling environment was provided, all these projects would be realised.

“But all these are yet to be realised. Some of it do, some at the conceptual stage may never happen, but the indications are that there is a sense of confidence, there is an expectation from the businesses as well that these projects will be realised, if we provide all the enabling environments.”

The ‘breakfast talanoa’ allowed FCEF-members and non-members to hear from Mr Prasad on key insights of the upcoming 2024-2025 National Budget.