NGOs welcome first Partnership Meeting with the Minister in charge

NGOs welcome first Partnership Meeting with the Minister in charge

By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, Samoa – 15 December 2023:  Representatives of 22 Non-Government Organisations who attended the inaugural meeting with the Minister for Women Community & Social Development, Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molio’o have commended the Ministers initiative in calling the meeting.

NGO representatives who have been with their organisations for more than 15 years said the meeting was the first ever for NGOs and the Minister in charge of to discuss partnerships, progress and challenges.

As the first female Minister of Finance, Mulipola was appointed Minister for Women in a Cabinet reshuffle in October and NGOs is one of various areas under her portfolio.

“This is the first NGO partnership meeting to be held for our NGO partners that have done and are doing work with the Ministry and it is timely that this meeting is called so that we are all aware of the issues and challenges we face working as partners,” said Mulipola.

“And it is also an opportunity to discuss ways to address challenges or better strengthen the Ministry and NGOs roles in program delivery, implementation and reporting,” she said.

The Minister commended the NGOs efforts and commitment in their role and area or expertise and collaboration with the Ministry to ensure programs they deliver reach the communities.

He urged members to be open-minded and constructive in voicing their thoughts on what needs to strengthen to make the partners successfully.

Are the programs useful
One of the key messages she pointed out was whether the programs funded by the Ministry are successful.

She noted that there are so many and ongoing awareness programs and the Government has poured in a lot of funds for these programs.

“Almost all NGOs have a focus on eliminating violence against women, girls and children, but the question remains, are the program working? Are there any changes in the statistics?” she asked.

Mulipola highlighted that Impact Reports must be included in the Way Forward for NGOs projects.

While NGOs reports generally cover how Government or donor funds have been utilised in their projects, there are no Impact Reports to identify the success of failure of the programs.

“I am certain that this platform will provide a space for sharing and dialogue on ways to better our services and delivery, and I envision that you will also be able to identify possible solutions to the changes that we will be discussed,” the Minister said.

More than twenty NGOs were represented and were each given time to voice their progress and challenges as similar meetings are expected in the future.