Dance artist James Batchelor. Photo: Morgan Hickinbotham

Twelve artists working in literature, music, screen, dance, theatre and visual arts have won grants  totalling  $352,012 in the current round of ACT government Arts Activities for projects between $5000 and $50,000.

The successful recipients are:

    • Prajdnik Awasthi To develop an animated short film, The Hidden Side of the Moon $35,000
    • James Batchelor Creative development of a new dance work inspired by the late choreographer, Tanja Liedtke $22,000
    • Max Burgess Creative development for a new contemporary dance work, of dirt and love $39,153
    • Nigel Featherstone Pre-production creative development for The Story of the Oars, a new play with spoken-word songs $29,086
    • Amala Groom To support production costs of a new moving image work, The Lodge, for exhibition at Canberra Contemporary Art Space in 2025 $49,756
    • Sammy Hawker To develop a new body of work for a three-month exhibition at Tweed Regional Gallery in 2025 $15,196
    • Judith Nangala Crispin Completion of a new illustrated verse novel, The Dingo’s Noctuary $17,100
    • Abra Pressler To develop a new LGBTQI+ fiction manuscript, The Romance Scam $16,478
    • SAFIA For creation, development and promotion of a new studio album $50,000
    • Sarah St Vincent Welch To support Stage 3 creative non-fiction development, We don’t have words – a meditation on suicide in Australia $7200
    • Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers To support travel costs for North American tour in 2024 $50,000
    • Nicholas Vevers Production costs for Mustard Flats podcast and documentary series $21,043

Round 2 of the Arts Activities $5-$50k funding closes on July 31 at

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